Shanghai Jiao Tong University-Cornell University
3rd International Workshop on Biotechnology and Modern Agriculture
Eco-Agriculture and Industrialization
July 1, 2007
闵行学术活动中心(Academic Activity Center, SJTU)
Invited speakers:
Norman Scott Sustainable development of Eco-Agricultural
industrialization in the world
Rui-Hai Liu Functional foods and value-added products
Hai-Yang Wang Systems biology, Biotechnology and Modern
Ke-Xuan Tang Progress on metabolic engineering of secondary
metabolites biosynthetic pathways
Gary Harman Advances in the biological and natural control of
plant disease-21st century biocontrol
Dan-Feng Huang Nitrogen uptake and growth of tomato seedlings
response to NO3-N, NH4-N and Organic-N
Shu-Shen Gang Biotechnology for biofuel
Jiang-Ping Qiu Solution for decentralized rural waste-water
treatment in China
Norman Scott Treatment of agricultural waste and renewable
energy in rural region
Fang Lu Straw gasifier research and energy system
utilization in Chongming island
Rong-Hou Liu Effect of temperature on biogas yield and property
during anaerobic fermentation process of pig dung
Chun-Jiang Liu Establishment and management of forests in
Dan Luo Nanobiotechnology and bioenergy
Royal Colle The communication in the rural area of development
Yao Wang The research and service deployment of digital
terrestrial television broadcasting in rural areas of
Yi-Tong Lu Development of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay for the detection of organophosphorus pesticides
Host: School of Agriculture and Biology